A View from the Virtual Parking Lot

I have long maintained that the most important things in a mom's life are learned in the parking lot after a PTO meeting.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


And I thought raising a puppy was challenging...

I have two daughters. FirstKid is 12 and SecondKid is 9. While I absolutely adore them both, FirstKid is not only higher maintenance in general, but she's also at THAT AGE. She is a true "tween" now - that scary stage that is between childhood and real teenagerhood. She secretly plays with dolls with the one remaining friend who also secretly still loves dolls; she likes to snuggle in bed with Mom and Dad every once in a while; and she is still slightly afraid of the dark. At the same time, she likes to babysit; she loves being independent and shopping with her friends at the mall; and she carries a cell phone. The trouble lays not in the process of metamorphosis, but in the attitude the caterpillar gives to Mom and Dad on a daily basis.

Tween Rules:
1. Mom and Dad know nothing, and they know less if my friends are around.
2. Mom and Dad only understand me if I yell all answers.
3. If Mom and Dad like it, I shouldn't wear it.
4. If Mom says no, ask Dad and pretend it's a new thought.
5. Treat all siblings as poorly as possible.
6. Disagree with or correct Mom and Dad at all times.
7. A huge after school snack will not ruin my appetite for dinner.
8. Television helps schoolwork.
9. Mom and Dad have to drive me wherever I want to go, whenever I ask, and immediately.
10. If I forget to take to school something like my trombone, it's Mom or Dad's job to drive it to school for me.

I gave birth to a delightful blonde baby who was full of smiles and loved to talk. My current housemate likes to correct every action I perform, is negative most of the time, and is impossible to squeeze for information. When did she make her cocoon? When did she poke a hole from which to look around and check the world out?

SecondKid is still in the delightful, obedient, helpful stage. I can only hope it lasts before that nasty caterpillar does its thing again. Of course, by then, my butterfly will hopefully be flying around, finding different ways each day to fill her life with joy.

1 comment:

mmt said...

The good news is that when this butterfly finally emerges she is going to be one amazing butterfly!

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