We have had April, our newly adopted rescue lab, for two weeks now, and we are having a blast with her. She is adjusting well, as are we. She seemed to adjust almost immediately, learning where her food and water are kept, what the "pottying" routine is, etc. We, too, learned how to manage two dogs instead of one, how to try to maintain Pepper as the alpha, and how to put away inappropriate things that April likes to chew. It's Pepper who has yet to make the adjustment.
Pepper is an interesting guy. At three years old, he's kind of mellow now, when once he was a crazy lab boy. He is not a barker. I don't know why, but he very rarely barks. He also rarely chases things like rabbits or squirrels, instead freezing in his tracks when he spots them. We certainly appreciate those traits, strange that they are for a lab. He also loves to play, but does not fetch like most retrievers do. He also does not like the playing into interfere with his afternoon naps. Apparently, he marches to his own drummer, but we're happy with his habits.
Along came April, though, and Pepper's world is now turned upside down. April is like the non-stop Energizer Bunny, never tiring and always looking to play. She bites Pepper's ears and legs, butt, tail, and private places that ought not be bitten. She shoves toys in Pepper's face until he joins in the tug-of-war which she enjoys so much, and she ALWAYS wins. She sits on his head, pins him to the ground, and puts her entire mouth around his neck. In short, she beats the stuffing out of him all the time...and he seems to love it. Despite Pepper's thirty pound advantage, he never gives it back to April. We're not sure why, but since they seem happy, we aren't interfering.
The one thing that we do mind is that April steals every single thing of Pepper's: his marrow bones, his rawhide, his tennis balls, and his cookies. In fact, April is so jealous of Pepper that if we are patting Pepper, she puts herself in between us so that we can't reach Pepper anymore. She's a stinker, but we love her.
And speaking of love, April has introduced us to a new way to express a dog's love: power kissing. She gives kisses with the force of a nail gun. We end up covered in dog drool, wiping glasses and needing paper towels to mop up. I know non-dog lovers will be totally grossed out, but we love it. In fact, we've had to try to reprimand her for trying to drill up our noses; even WE think that's gross!
So, here we are now - a two dog family who wishes we'd done the Labs4Rescue thing long ago. Pepper has a playmate, and we have a new baby. Pretty nifty, I'd say.
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