A View from the Virtual Parking Lot

I have long maintained that the most important things in a mom's life are learned in the parking lot after a PTO meeting.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Loafin' Around

It's been a long time, blog friends, but for a good reason: we just celebrated FirstKid's bat mitzvah. The preparations and such took months and months of free time and energy, but I'm back.

So, what has Pepper been up to, you ask? Well, years from now, when people ask if my daughter remembers anything interesting about her bat mitzvah, I think she'll reply with this:

The bat mitzvah was scheduled for 11:00 Saturday morning. Because we needed to be at the hair salon at 7:00 a.m., we knew we wouldn't be able to do much in the morning, so we got our challah (the braided bread which is blessed at the end of the bat mitzvah service) on Friday, and put it in the kitchen with some other things that we would need at temple the next day. On Friday evening, we all went to Shabbat evening services, and got home at about 8:00 p.m. As we entered the kitchen, we found an empty plastic bag on the floor and a very guilty-looking Pepper hanging his head. He'd pulled down the challah from the counter and eaten the entire thing!

It only took a few seconds to go from furious to hysterical amusement, but it was a pain to have to send my dad out early in the morning to find another challah in time for the bat mitzvah service. We made it, though, and Pepper enjoyed the weekend.

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